Playing Card Series - En bog af Ulf Buxrud

Den 15. marts udkommer en ny bog skrevet af Ulf Buxrud. Bogen omhandler den legendariske Playing Card Series fra Hanyu og Chichibu Whisky Distilleries i Japan, destilleret af Akuto familien og aftappet af Ichiro Akuto-san.

My third whisky book is soon to be published (March 15, 2022).
It is a tale of the supreme collectible, enjoyable and valuable iconic whisky series ever made.
A near complete (54 of 58 versions) series was sold at Bonham’s auction house in Hong Kong November 20, 2020 for USD 1.5 million.
The book is a 170-page book of coffee table size (29x29x1cm) and quality is near art book style.
Its content encompasses the story of the Chichibu-Kikusui, Hanyu, Chichibu distilleries and the Akuto family.

A chapter is dedicated to the complete Playing card series and how it started.
Here, each bottle is the 'objets d'art', occupying a full page.
Opposite page contains my 58 tasting notes, technical descriptions and the flip side of the bottles.
All 58 bottle pictures are from my own Playing Card Series collection.
Other sections comprise the series aftermath, auctions, rules and data, fakes and frauds.
A special chapter called Passing time, deals with experimental mixology on account of the Playing card series and summarizing tasting notes.
Publishing date and purchase information are published on

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