GlenAllachie 8yo og White Heather 15yo
- Detaljer
- Publiceret: Tirsdag, 12. april 2022 11:22
- Skrevet af MacNiels
To nye aftapninger fra The GlenAllachie Distillers Company, begge kommer til at indgå i deres Core serie.
Den ene er en 8 års GlenAllachie single malt og den anden er en 15 års White Heather blended whisky.
Billy Walker udtaler:
“From the outset, it has been my aim to release quality whiskies at fair and accessible price points. This can be a significant challenge when you also choose to deploy an extensive and costly wood management policy, however, I believe The GlenAllachie 8-year-old fits the bill without any compromises or corner-cutting.
“In terms of White Heather, this has been a real passion project for me. It takes me back to my first forays in the industry and allows me to select and blend whiskies from across Scotland in order to achieve the intended flavour profile. I hold a strong belief that interest in the Premium Blend category is growing, and we very much want to be at the forefront of it with White Heather.”
GlenAllachie 8yo har ligget på Pedro Ximénez og Oloroso Sherry puncheons, sammen med virgin oak casks og red wine barriques og er aftappet ved 46%
Noter (GlenAllachie):
Nose: Heather honey, butterscotch and cinnamon, followed by waves of ginger, toasted almonds and mocha.
Taste: Lashings of treacle, dried sultanas and butterscotch, with cinnamon, peppermint and honeycomb.
Pris £42.50
White Heather 15yo er blended af whisky fra Speyside, Islay, Northern Highlands og grain whisky.
Fadene der er brugt til denne aftapning er sherry butts and American oak barrels. Disse fade er blended og hældt over på Pedro Ximénez og Oloroso Sherry puncheons samt American virgin oak casks i yderligere 3 år. Denne er også aftappet ved 46%
Noter (GlenAllachie):
Nose: Waves of heather honey and butterscotch, followed by orange peel, pineapple, mint and a hint of peat.
Taste: Layers of treacle, heather honey and butterscotch, followed by orange peel, grapefruit and almonds, with mocha, ginger and a light whisp of peaty smoke on the finish.
Pris £59.99
Kilde: GlenAllachie