Wolfburn Manzanilla

Wolfburn har benyttet sig af fade der tidligere har indeholdt Manzanilla sherry.
Dette har resulteret i denne aftapning, hvor disse fade er brugt til sidst inden aftapning. Aftappet ved 46% og prissat til 518 dkr.

Noter (Wolfburn):
Nose: Golden syrup meets cashew nut butter, overlaid with seductive vinous tones. An exceptional depth of sweet aromas.

Palate: There’s a wonderful oily richness to this dram – it coats the palate and the flavours just keep unfurling. Classic dry Manzanilla tones lead to rich fruit flavours: sultanas, plums and dates, with subtle hints of toffee and honey.

Finish: Sweet wine and fruit flavours fade gently away, leaving a lingering hint of caramel.

Kilde: Wolfburn

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