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Spot the Brora - Clynelish vertikal m/ 1 indlagt Brora i AWL
Thursday, 27. February 2025, 19:00 - 21:00
Hits : 99
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Spot the Brora - Clynelish vertikal m/ 1 indlagt Brora **

Medlemmer har fortrinsret den først uge
1. Clynelish 14år, 46%, Destilleriaftapning – Benchmark dram!
2. Clynelish 13år, 56,7%, refill sherry hoggie#307222, Gordon & MacPhail
3. Clynelish 1996 22år, 56% bourbon hoggie#11422, Spirits Shop Collection
4. 26.180 2011 9år, 57,6%, 2nd fill bourbon barrel, SMWS
5. 26.90 1984 27år, 55,1%, refill sherry butt, SMWS
6. Brora 1981 25år, 56,5%, cask#1423, Duncan Taylor

Location The Wharf, Borgergade 16, Aalborg.