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Publiceret: Tirsdag, 10. september 2024 15:10
Skrevet af MacNiels
Billy Walker har aftappet den hidtil ældste whisky fra GlenAllachie.
3 Pedro Ximénez fade, et Oloroso fad og to virgin oak casks fra 1989 er viet. Dette er blevet til denn 35 års aftapning.
GlenAllachie 35 er aftappet ved 48%.

Billy Walker siger selv om aftapningen:
“The 35-year-old is a testament to The GlenAllachie’s dedication, patience and relentless pursuit of perfection. Unifying the six spectacular casks has created the perfect equilibrium between the sweet influence of Pedro Ximénez, the nutty contribution of Oloroso, and the spiciness of the virgin oak. The amalgamation entails a truly spectacular single malt with opulent notes of spiced caramel, rich espresso, tropical fruits and dark chocolate truffles. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a bottle, it’s a whisky to be treasured.”
Noter (GlenAllachie):
Nose: Mocha, cinnamon, heather honey and pineapple, with hints of raisins, pomegranate and eucalyptus.
Taste: Dark chocolate, mocha, raisins and dried fruit, fusing with heather honey, treacle and pineapple, with hints of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.
Pris: £1,479
Kilde: GlenAllachie
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Publiceret: Søndag, 1. september 2024 09:39
Skrevet af MacNiels
Næste aftapning i Chess Malt Collection er frigivet.
Der er tale om en 29 år gammel single malt fra Tomatin Distillery.

Noter (Chess Malt):
Appearance: A clear and deep golden amber color.
Nose: Pleasant aromas of vanilla, gentle oak, biscuits, cereal, dried fruits.
Palate: Complex and rich with mouth-coating flavours – tropical fruits, honeyed malt, hints of vanilla and aged-oak spices.
Finish: Long and warming, creamy finish with a lingering sweetness and fruits.
Kilde: Chess Malt
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Publiceret: Torsdag, 11. juli 2024 09:39
Skrevet af MacNiels
Samtidig med at Glengoyne har aftappet en White Oak uden alders angivelse, så kommer der også en 24 år gammel udgave.
Aftapningen har ligget på american first fill bourbon og virgin oak casks og aftappet ved 47,7%.
Den 24 års udgave kommer i en begreænset mængde og kan købes online eller i udvalgte butikker.
Noter (Glengoyne):
Nose: Vanilla, lemon curd and honey.
Palate: Honeycomb and soft oak warms the palate.
Finish: Long and well aged finish of delicate citrus and lingering oak.
Pris £430,00
Kilde: Glengoyne
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Publiceret: Torsdag, 11. juli 2024 09:28
Skrevet af MacNiels
Glengoyne som nok er mest kendt for deres sherry modnet aftapninger, er nu kommet med en White Oak aftapning.
White Oak har udelukkende ligget på first fill bourbon og virgin oak casks fra Nordamerika.

Noter (Glengoyne):
Nose: White Oak sings of vibrant wood and bright citrus, unripe banana and a hint of violets
Palate: The palate is soft and playful with touches of creme brulee, fruit gums and pineapple
Finish: The finish is long and smooth, giving flavours of toffee apple.
Aftappet ved 48%
Kilde: Glengoyne
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Publiceret: Mandag, 17. juni 2024 11:32
Skrevet af MacNiels
The Glenlivet har aftappet en single cask, produceret i 2001. Efter 22 år på second fill american oak cask, er den aftappet ved fadstyrke på 47,6%
Der er kommet 198 flasker af Vintage 2001, hvor kun de 18 vil blive sat til salg hos Glenlivet.
Der er noter af: juicy pear drops, key lime pie, coconut cream and ginger spice

Pris: £300,00
Kilde: Glenlivet
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Publiceret: Torsdag, 23. maj 2024 08:16
Skrevet af MacNiels
Kilchoman har tidligere benyttet sig af fade der tidligere har indeholdt sauterne, dog kun som en fininsh.
Denne aftapning har udelukkende ligget på sauterne fade
"Anthony Wills, Kilchoman Founder, selected a combination of fresh and refill Sauternes barriques from two separate years, the youngest being from 2018, creating an extraordinary balance of buttery sweetness, barbecued pineapple, candied ginger and floral peat smoke."
22% af fadene er first-fill og 78% er re-fill sauterne fade.
Noter (Kilchoman):
Nose: Creamy, buttery notes with ripe fruits, a hint of salty sea air and subtle peat smoke.
Palate: Butterscotch and floral notes combine with tropical and candied fruits with integrated peat smoke flowing throughout.
Finish: Sweetness continues onto the finish, balanced with clean lingering smoke and rich texture.
Kilchoman Sauternes Cask er aftappet ved 50%

Kilde: Kilchoman
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Publiceret: Tirsdag, 21. maj 2024 13:19
Skrevet af MacNiels
Lørdag den 19. august 1848 sejlede 800 både ud fra Wick harbour for at fiske. En storm på nordsøen gjorde at fiskerne ikke kunne i havn grundet tidevand. Flere forsøgte at komme i havn, men omkom i forsøget. 37 liv gik tabt, disse mænd efterlod 17 enker og 63 børn. Dagen er sidenhen blevet kaldt af de lokale for Black Saturday.
Denne 10 års Wolfburn aftapning der går under samme navn, Black Saturday, bruges til indsamling til Seafarers Memorial Group.
Noter (Wolfburn):
Nose: Initially smoky with hints of fruit and fresh sea air, accompanied by vanilla and oak wood-shavings.
Palate: Floral notes abound, followed by raisins and light spices. Malty flavours open up on the palate, with soft honey sweetness at the finish.
Finish: Soft peaty tones ensure a smooth and lingering finish. Hugely enjoyable.
Black Saturday er aftappet ved 46% og koster ca. 594 dkr.
Kilde: Wolfburn
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Publiceret: Lørdag, 4. maj 2024 18:08
Skrevet af MacNiels
Wolfburn har benyttet sig af fade der tidligere har indeholdt Manzanilla sherry.
Dette har resulteret i denne aftapning, hvor disse fade er brugt til sidst inden aftapning. Aftappet ved 46% og prissat til 518 dkr.

Noter (Wolfburn):
Nose: Golden syrup meets cashew nut butter, overlaid with seductive vinous tones. An exceptional depth of sweet aromas.
Palate: There’s a wonderful oily richness to this dram – it coats the palate and the flavours just keep unfurling. Classic dry Manzanilla tones lead to rich fruit flavours: sultanas, plums and dates, with subtle hints of toffee and honey.
Finish: Sweet wine and fruit flavours fade gently away, leaving a lingering hint of caramel.
Kilde: Wolfburn